
The Augustinianum College was founded in 1933 in the historic centre of Milan to complete and implement the educational project initiated by Father Agostino Gemelli through the creation in 1921 of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

The College aims first and foremost to be a place of study and an opportunity for students to live the university years to the full. The Augustinianum also aims to be an integral part of the cultural, social and spiritual life of the University. The various activities of the College have animated over the years not only the cultural life for the students who live here but also for the many students of the Athenaeum who take part in the various initiatives that are organised.

Reading the "Formative Project" of the Colleges on Campus of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, we read that the areas of attention that the College aims to take care of are three: study and social and cultural formation, the experience of community life, the proposal of faith. Community life and the various cultural and spiritual activities organised at the College are an opportunity for growth and maturation, flanking university teaching with opportunities for interdisciplinary and human cultural growth.
The College fully meets the need to combine study with moments of conviviality and light-heartedness. Characteristic of this are, for example, the two annual parties organised by the collegians and open to the participation of other students at the university.

Located just next to the headquarters of the Catholic University, and in the centre of Milan, the Augustinianum allows its young people to fully experience the life of the University and their host city. Its central location has always allowed students to get to know all the opportunities that the University and Milan can offer them.
The College, in addition to the traditional housing proposal dedicated to students (access to which is regulated as usual by the Collegium Competition that takes place every year) offers guest quarters for those who request them: visiting professors, guests of events organised at the University, relatives of the collegiate students, etc.

USE: male
BEDS: 83, mostly in single room with bathroom
Tel: 02.72172001

What you find on-site:

  • Common kitchen
  • Bed linen (with laundry service charge)

What to bring from home:

  • Bath linens

Guesthouse Service

The facility also offers a guesthouse service for mixed male/female users, for short periods and subject to availability. Rates 2023/2024:

  • single room (where available): 60 € per day, 350 € for 7 days, 560 € for 14 days, 825 € full month.
  • double room (where available): 80 € per day, 450 € for 7 days, 720 € for 14 days, 1150 € full month.

For information and reservations of guest quarters:
tel: 02.7234.2400


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Coming soon: video tour soon available

Institutional Bodies

Director: Dr Matteo Dominidiato
Deputy Director: Dr. Alessandro Bifulco
Aiuto Direttore: dott. Riccardo Morabito
Assistant Director: Mr Andrea Sapienza
Pastoral Assistant: Fr Daniel Osvaldo Balditarra

Student component
Student Assembly Presidency: Sergio Dino | Giorgio Carboni

The President, with the collaboration of the Vice-President, represents all the students of the Augustinianum College for the entire academic year. He/she convenes the Student Assembly, setting the agenda and ensuring that it is conducted in a disciplined manner, as well as taking the minutes.

He chairs the Organisational Commission and coordinates the work of the Commissions, working closely with them.

Responsible: Pierstefano Scirè

The Treasury is in charge of the economic-accounting management of the Augustinianum College; it is entrusted with the College's cash to reimburse all expenses made in the name of the Augustinianum itself. In addition, at the end of the Academic Year, it draws up a balance sheet of internal activities.

Liturgical-Charitable Commission
Responsible: Alberto Sabatino
Contributor: Cesare Augusto Scipioni

The Liturgical Commission aims to define the spiritual itinerary of the collegiate community during the academic year. Precisely:

  • participation in the weekly Eucharist celebrated at the College Chapel and other moments of common prayer;
  • preparation for the festivities of Holy Christmas and Easter through meditation on the Word of God (Lectio Divina) and moments of community celebration also shared with the other Colleges during Advent and Lent;
  • in-depth study of theological issues and the doctrine of the Catholic Church;
  • engagement in solidarity activities in the city of Milan.

Cultural Commission
Responsible: Guglielmo Martinangeli
Collaborator: Gregorio Ruffini Leopardi

The Cultural Commission has the task of making it easier for the students of the Augustinianum College to enjoy anything that may be of cultural interest. This is done not only through the purchase of periodicals and the management of the library, but above all through the promotion of conferences and debates, also giving visibility to external initiatives such as theatre performances, exhibitions, concerts.

Logistical-Housing Commission
Responsible: Pierstefano Scirè
Contributors: Francesco Ingrosso

Through the updating and maintenance of the boarding school's interior (kitchens, TV room, common areas, rooms), the Housing Commission aims to optimise the logistical and environmental conditions for a comfortable stay in the community, in compliance with the internal rules and regulations as well as the individual needs of each boarding school member.
The Commission - in the person of the person in charge and his collaborator - is also the liaison body between the students, Mrs Governor and all the staff of the Catholic University working at the Augustinianum College.

Recreation and Territory Relations Commission
Responsible: Riccardo Morabito
Collaborator: Alberto Donati

The Recreation Commission is in charge of running the Games Room and organising collegiate parties, the Freshers' Festival, and sports tournaments.

Communication Commission
Responsible: Francesco Maria De Siati
Collaborator: Andrea Mastronuzzi

The Communications Commission is responsible for the outward promotion of the College and organised activities, in particular by maintaining the College's Instagram and Facebook pages.

Intercollegiate Council
Responsible: Francesco Giuseppe Pontrandolfo
Collaborator: Michele Ruggiero

Augustinianum College vocational theatre group
Activity coordinated by Don Daniel Balditarra, Pastoral Assistant.

Mission Statement

Training Project

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External site:


The Augustinianum College is located at 1 Via Lodovico Necchi.