A free place a hundred years: doing theatre in the cloisters
On 4 and 13 December 2021 at the Pime Theatre in Milan, the play ‘Un luogo libero cent anni’ will be staged, organised by the Pastoral Centre and produced by the ‘Ai due Chiostri’ company of the Catholic University.

A theatrical performance to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. The actors of the Compagnia ai due Chiostri will go on stage on two dates to bring to life the characters who founded the university and have accompanied it to the present day.
An interweaving of dreams and values that have made the Catholic University a free university, exactly as its founder Father Agostino Gemelli wanted. Men and women who, over the course of this century, have left an invaluable legacy that must not be forgotten. And then the students of yesterday and today, perhaps the real protagonists, those who will have to ensure that this university continues to be free.
A show that is not meant to be an accurate historical narration, but a glimpse into personalities, values and events that manage to make contact with the observer a hundred years later thanks to their extreme contemporaneity.
Free admission with reservation via the online form.
For information: write to teatroaiduechiostri@gmail.com or call the Pastoral Centre on 02.72342238
Discover the reality of the ‘Ai due Chiostri’ theatre by visiting the page here.