The Collegio Ludovicianum will be temporarily housed in the Residenza Buonarroti from the academic year 2023/2024 onwards, due to building redevelopment work
The Collegio Ludovicianum owes its name to Ludovico Necchi, a central figure in the history of the Catholic University, co-founder of the same with Agostino Gemelli.
Initially conceived to host young priests and clerics studying at the University, its historical seat, located at 5 Via Necchi, was solemnly inaugurated on 8 December 1934. Closed in the early 1970s, in 1992 – on the initiative of Rector Adriano Bausola – the Ludovicianum reopened its doors in Via Osimo 10 (Porto di Mare district). In 2001, the College moved to its new premises in via San Vittore 35, a completely renovated building located near the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in the heart of Milan’s historic city centre. Temporarily, the premises have now been moved to the Residenza Buonarroti, Piazza Buonarroti 30.
Every year, the Ludovicianum offers its students cultural initiatives , opportunities for socialising and festivities. With a view to fostering the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge and listening to different sensibilities, the Ludovicianum ‘sEducational Project initiatives are organised along three main lines
- cultural deepening
- the development of transversal skills
- service to society
Alongside the proposal of activities organised directly by the Directorate and the students, there are also initiatives with a marked inter-collegiate vocation such as, for example, higher education courses, language courses, and trips abroad, realised thanks to the support of the University, the Giuseppe Toniolo Institute for Higher Studies and the EDUCatt Foundation. Every year, in August, the College’s Mission Statement is published, a document summarising the activities carried out during the previous academic year.
See the latest edition HERE
SLEEPING ACCOMMODATIONS: 59 in single rooms with private facilities
Tel: 02.433571

Institutional bodies
Director: Mr. Gaetano Manara
Deputy Director: Mr. Piergiuseppe Capriotti
Assistant Director: Mr. Alessandro Anselmo, Mr. Arturo Manuel Giudice
Spiritual Assistant: Don Lorenzo Emilio Luca Mancini
President: Mr. Andrea Mazzei
Vice-President: Piergiorgio Gurrieri
The President, with the collaboration of the Vice-President, represents all the collegiate bodies for the entire academic year. He convenes the Student Assembly, setting the agenda and taking care of both its orderly conduct and the drafting of the minutes.
He chairs the Organisational Commission and coordinates the activities of the Commissions, working closely with them.
Cultural Commission
Responsible: Filippo Del Grande
Deputy Head: Jacopo Vannoni
Secretary: Davide Pezzella
The Cultural Commission enables board members to enrich their cultural education by organising and selecting projects and initiatives. It looks after the purchase of periodicals, the management of the College’s library and promotes conferences and debates, in particular by organising the customary Legal-Economic Seminar at which, every year, current issues chosen by the students are addressed. It organises film forums and gives visibility to external initiatives such as theatre performances, exhibitions, concerts, etc.
Liturgical Commission
Responsible: Andrea Anselmo
Deputy Head: Rocco Pio Carriero
Secretary: Luca Palladino
The Liturgical Commission, under the guidance of the Spiritual Assistant, defines the spiritual itinerary of the collegiate community. In the course of the academic year, it outlines a path ranging from participation in the Eucharist celebrated in the College chapel to the organisation, together with the other Colleges, of moments of preparation for Holy Christmas and Easter through meditation on the Word of God during the strong times of Advent and Lent.
Logistics Commission
Responsible: Francesco Falletta
Vice-responsible: Marco El Asmar
Secretary: Andrea Bellanca
The logistics commission aims, through the updating and maintenance of the internal environments of the college (kitchens, TV room, common areas, rooms), to optimise the logistical and environmental conditions to favour a comfortable stay of the community, respecting the internal rules and regulations, as well as the individual needs of each collegian.
Recreational Commission
Responsible: Daniel Scherer
Deputy Head: Alessandro Frigotto
Secretary: Damiano Baldassari
The Recreational Commission is responsible for organising the College’s recreational activities. On the basis of student proposals, it purchases materials to be made available to the collegiate community and organises parties and conviviality events during the academic year. It also organises internal and external sports tournaments with other colleges in Milan.
Communication Commission
Responsible: Alberto Bongiovì
Deputy Head: Pietro Giusto
Secretary: Federico Tomasoni
The Communication Commission manages the Collegio’s social pages (Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), publicises and promotes the various initiatives organised during the year by both the Collegio and the University. In general, it is committed to making the Collegio Ludovicianum known to the outside world, keeping alive the link with the Alumni who are already guests of the structure.
Intercollegiate Organisational Council
Representatives: Donato Maria Cerfeda, Salvatore Ferreri
Mission Statement
Training Project

The Collegio Ludovicianum is provisionally located in Piazza Buonarroti 30, at the Residenza Buonarroti – 20149 Milan.