Manifesto Contest del Collegio Ludovicianum "Dall'isolamento al viaggio: evadere al tempo del Covid-19"

Ludovicianum College 2020 Photo Contest

EDUCatt promotes and supports the second edition of the photo contest Dall’isolamento al viaggio: evadere al tempo del Covid-19, an initiative conceived by the students of the Collegio Ludovicianum. This photographic contest aims to invite students to narrate, through photography, their way of escaping, concretely and/or imaginarily, from the isolation imposed by the health emergency…
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Locandina Bando di concorso 100 borse di studio per merito 2020/2021

UCSC Merit Scholarships a.y. 2020/2021

Registration is now open for the National Merit Scholarship Competition promoted by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Istituto “Giuseppe Toniolo” di Studi Superiori with the support of Fondazione EDUCatt. Registrations are now open for the initiative 100 Scholarships for Merit only, promoted by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Istituto “Giuseppe Toniolo” di Studi…
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eCollege Book Delivery

eCollege Book Delivery

The support service for the retrieval of paper or digital texts for students who have not returned or are not yet back at the College is now active. To support the students of all Colleges and the Buonarroti Residence who have not returned or have not yet returned to their accommodation, EDUCatt provides eCollege Book…
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