7 college camp 2024 1920x1080 1 Readmissions
7 college camp 2024 1920x1440 1 Readmissions
7 college camp 2024 1500x1500 1 Readmissions

General information and Regulation for the Call

The application for the readmission to the University Residences for the a.y. 2024/2025 can be submitted in MyEDUCatt area following the path University Residences / Admission or Readmission to the University Residences (for all campuses) by Thursday 11 July 2024 at 1 p.m .

Submit the application in MyEDUCatt area.

The application for the readmission is addressed to students who were already hosted in a University Residence of Cattolica University, meeting all the requirements foreseen for the regulation for the call (also downloadable in ePub format).

In particular, they must:

  • be enrolled for the very first time in a regular year of a bachelor’s degree, a single-cycle master’s degree and a master’s degree, in a PhD program or in a specialisation program (excluded those students enrolled in specialisation schools in the medical area, as specified by the following act: D. Lgs. n 368, 4August 1999)
  • have their official residence in a municipality considered “off-campus” in relation to the attended campus (you can check on EDUCatt website);
  • have recorded the minimum amount of CFUs foreseen in the regulation for the call (for students enrolled in a year following the first);
  • have respected the rules of the accommodation facility and have had a positive outcome of the interview with the Management of the Residence and the Assistant Pastor for the On-Campus Residences (and, if foreseen, of the University Residences).

The students who wish to apply for the admission or the readmission AT A REDUCED RATE must have, by the deadline foreseen for the application submission, a currently valid “attestazione ISEE per le prestazioni agevolate per il diritto allo studio universitario” issued in calendar year 2024. Students whose family unit is resident abroad must request the ISEEUP at a CAF MCL offices.

The regulation for the call can be checked for any further detail.

N.B.: All deadlines mentioned here, in the call or in communications sent by EDUCatt are to be understood according to the ROME TIME ZONE.