Posticipata al 15 giugno la scadenza dell’ultima rata delle rette per i Collegi | Last instalment of the University Residences accommodation fee postponed until June, 15
La scadenza per il pagamento dell’ultima rata delle rette dei Collegi è posticipata al 15 giugno 2021 | The deadline for the payment of the last accommodation instalment for the students hosted in the University Residences is postponed until 15 June 2021.

Facendo seguito alle azioni già intraprese nei mesi scorsi, la Fondazione EDUCatt ha deciso di agevolare gli studenti e le loro famiglie posticipando ulteriormente la scadenza dell’ultima rata della retta dei Collegi e delle Residenze di tutte le sedi al 15 giugno 2021 rispetto all’attuale scadenza del 15 aprile, già precedentemente posticipata.
Following the actions taken during the past months, EDUCatt decided to support the students and their families, further postponing the deadline of the last instalment of the accommodation fee until 15 June 2021. This applies to the University Residences in all campuses. As of today, the deadline was set for 15 April 2021 and in fact, this was already the result of a postponement of the provisions in the regulation for the call.